So, you are trying to get a service done but things are booked or there are other small troubles. at some point in your past someone might have suggested that to get your way you should be passive aggressive to the people you want to do things for you. Or even be truly aggressive to service people.
Don’t do it.
Just don't. Do. It.
There are four general ways verbally abusive customers are treated by service.
A best case scenario they won't notice. Some very few will not outwardly show that they care how they are treated. They will still give you the same service as a good customer. These people are far and few in between. They are almost an extinct species.
Most will probably 'pass the buck'. sadly, some people on the work force are so used to being verbally abused in some manner if you try it chances are they won’t bat an eye lash at it but they will also more than likely pass you onto someone else.
The middle of the road response you could get would be the same service but they might not go very far (or at all) out of their way to help you. They also will not bend the rules, or pull out miracles.
If you think the worst they can tell you is that they will not serve you. You are only partially right. Some might ban you from the store. They might even go so far as to call the cops on you if you are threatening them.
People who make less then you are not less of a person because of this. Frankly they are not paid enough to take that kind of treatment. Ever.