Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cute joke

On a humerus note: listing 'work' as an allergy at your doctors office. This was cute and gave us a good laugh when we found it this morning.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Such little time with so much to talk about

I have... an almost insane amount of things to talk about with my new job. There are just so many small things that people should know about it is amazing! A little disturbing at times but mostly very, very intresting.
They all intermingle so making seprate posts about each topic is testing my creativity. And the last thing I want to do is make a gicantic post with all the topic mixed in.
So! With that said and soon to be done... I should have something other then a rant about a not'so'happy customer. Yeah...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Please answer all questions with words

Answering questions with a generalized sound that may or may not be a yes is all well and good with your friends or family because they know you.
It will never be appropriate when dealing with a doctors office. They need real words and not grunts. If you do make the unfortunate decision to do this then do not get upset with them for having no bloody clue as to what you meant your grunt to be interpreted as.
It implies that you have no respect for the person you are supposed to be talking with. Especially if you are chatting away with the doctor in front of them just prior to doing this.

Monday, June 4, 2012

A good ol' fashion post

Just making sure everything is in good working order.